Thursday, October 9, 2014

Clean Eating

What is Clean Eating

Clean Eating has changed my life, and I have beachbody and my sister-in-law to thank for that.  After

Eating clean is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.  It’s quite easy to do actually.  It doesn’t have strict rules like paleo, gluten-free, etc. It is all about eating whole foods.  What does that mean?  Real, whole foods.  Most of my grocery shopping happens on the perimeter of the store and I try to limit my processed foods.
I used to think that eating healthy meant not enjoying delicious foods. I have learned that I can have good-for-me food without sacrificing any flavor. It all depends on the ingredients and how they’re prepared. I am so thankful to learn this lifestyle, because before Beachbody, I simply did not know any better, nor did I want to.

Think you’re too busy to eat clean?  Think again.  It is all about preparation, and if you are prepared than it is easy. 

I live by the 80/20 rule.  What does that mean?  I eat a mostly clean lifestyle, but I like to indulge in things like cake or buffalo wings.  All things in moderation peeps.  Life is short, and I don’t want to live without ice cream, pasta, pizza, or nacho's.  I like to use my splurges on one day or a couple meals throughout the week.  It all depends on how I’m feeling.
 I enjoy food too much to view it just as fuel, which is why I am always creating tasty, healthy alternatives for my family.  This portion of my blog is going to focus on giving you ideas, and helping you become prepared and bring clean eating into your family.

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