Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Popcorn and Orange Julius

For the last 15 years I have had a tradition, it started with my roommate in Logan.  Every Sunday night we would make a great big bowl of Popcorn, and a lot of Orange Julius and we would sit and eat it and watch Law and Order.  I loved those times.

Then when I married Chris we kept the tradition going, when we were first married we watched Law and Order, and gradually our shoes have changed through the years, but the Popcorn and Orange Julius stayed the same.

Now that we have kids the show we watch is generally for them, but we do a family movie night and Popcorn and Orange Julius.  My kids love love love it.  They can't wait for eat each week.  If for some reason we miss it on Sunday nights we have to plan another night for it.

When I started my clean eating adventure this is one thing that I was not willing to give up, but as I have progressed I have discovered a new way.

Instead of putting butter on the popcorn I now use coconut oil and sea salt.  (Pretty good), I am not a person of change, so this was a tough one for me, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Then for Orange Julius I make an Orange Vanilla Shakeology instead.  Once again very good, and fills that hole for me.

So now I can enjoy our family Sunday night tradition with no Guilt.

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